On Thursday of last week, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a lecture at Bowdoin College,
Travels with Hattie and Eleanor; Researching Biography With Barbara Cooney. The talk was given by Cooney's niece, Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, the current Anthony and Lulu C. Wang Curator of American Decorative Arts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Frelinghuysen gave a personal account of her aunt's use of her own history and her meticulous rendering of objects used in real life throughout her work.
My own first introduction to Cooney's work was with the purchase of Oxcart Man for my own children, illustrated by Cooney, and written by Poet Laureate Donald Hall. Her paintings for this book depicted a type of life from long ago that I was particularly interested in.
The long list of books that she illustrated can be seen here:
Her attention to detail was noted by her niece, who after all, is well versed in American decorative arts, and was often asked about certain items, such as the blue and white striped ticking fabric used in the pillow illustration for this pillow fight.
The kitchen of her family's house in Maine was used as inspiration as well.
Miss Rumphius is a story that will capture the heart of any feminist, a Spinster portrayed as having not a sad, lonely life, but one full of exciting travel and experiences.
"You must do something to make the world more beautiful" is advice she gives that empowers.
Read the book and dream of lupines! https://youtu.be/DrjPzbuxLJU
Barbara Cooney was 65 when she created this book.
A collection of her illustrations will be at the Bowdoin Museum of Art until September 30.
I can't recommend seeing the originals enough!
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story!